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17 November 2007

The Many Faces of the Androids

Google's new phone platform, as you know, spans many different kinds of handsets. However, continuing in the strain of hardware difficulties of these handsets, I have thought up yet another problem: Screen Size. The android phones are not like the iPhone or iPod Touch which both share the same screen size. Both of the models in the android video have radically different screen sizes. Why does this matter? Well, when Apple was building the iPod touch they could just move over the apps that do not use phone or text services; and then recompile the ones that did. Boom.

With the many android phones, it will not be possible for each application to be custom tailored to the screen size. I think that there is a reason why google includes the phone with a relatively weak graphics processor in its SDK: as a least common denominator. For the touch phone with a bigger screen, I expect most of the interfaces will be bunched up towards the top or the middle, as the developers are trying to accommodate the phones with the smaller screens. For this reason I think we will see apps targeted towards specific phones; not good for the open source crowd, which likes to reuse code as much as possible. Some of the more radical interfaces will have to be redone for each phone, and that will create a state of confusion surrounding the Google phone. Confusion = Bad Reviews = Lower Sales. Not good for google. I predict that in about 5 years some of the partners will have pulled out and Google will choose to make its own phone.

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