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26 November 2007

Firefox Mac's burning tail

I've been testing the beta of Firefox 3 and have used Firefox 2, both on my mac. However, one thing that really bugs me is Firefox's nonstandard widgets; none of the buttons look like their mac counterparts. There are a variety of hacks in the world to provide more "mac like" widgets, but most of them add a gradient and some other things; they do not provide a sufficient replacement for the Cocoa or Carbon OS X buttons.

Firefox 3 promised to cure that problem by using Cocoa widgets. Unfortunately, there is no Cocoa being used in Firefox's implementation of a mac style, and it shows. Most of the problems I list are not unbearable, I just think that they could be improved.

  • When a button is clicked on the text moves a couple of pixels to the left.
  • The text boxes DO NOT get blurred blue focus rectangle around them when edited.
  • The checkboxes DO get the focus around the.
  • The popup menus DO get the focus around them AND use nonstandard menus.

I have to admit, I am a person that notices really small details and is insatiable with regards to inconsistency , but it seems like the person who implemented this did not study exactly what the mac does when, say, a button is pressed. It seems to be a new UI jerryrigged on top of a system not designed for that platform, and I had hoped to see them use Cocoa or Carbon widgets.


Anonymous said...

yep - i agree with you completely. and worse is that it seems noone's really making any noise about this.

i notice these things too. and given that firefox 3 is now meant to be in its beta stage i'm getting nervous that they might forget this completely with the main release.


Anonymous said...

Yes it's very sad. Don't forget to mention all that in the feedback form here :