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11 July 2008

What Apple Did Not Tell Us

The 3G iPhone launched today. Woohoo. What is far more interesting is the 2.0 software update. Apps! Yay! Super Monkey Ball and Texas Hold'em are both awesome games (note that Super Monkey ball should not be played while driving or in a car because the accellerometer ... works.) However, the update heralded some more subtle changes to the iPhone software:

  1. Alternates on the .com key. Of course, there have been alternates on the .com key since 1.1.4, they've just been specific to the localized keyboards ( on the British keyboard, for example.) Now you can have commonly used top level domains all accessible at the swish of a finger. However, how long its usefulness lasts is anyone's guess.
  2. You can take screenshots by holding the home button and pressing the lock button. I'm sure you heard about this.
  3. WebKit CSS Animations and Transitions are now supported. This should provide for richer web apps, if anyone really does those any more. For those of you not in the know, Safari 3.1 premiered a feature that let developers animate elements on a web page. Now that feature has moved to Mobile Safari.

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