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24 June 2008

Is a broken box model too much?

For so long, web developers have had to deal with the quirks of internet explorer. Today, most focus on their web site working under versions six and seven. Apple has decided that they were not going to put up with it anymore, and decided to drop support for IE 6 in the upcoming MobileMe. According to the linked post, 31% of the people that use IE are using IE 6. According to Wikipedia, 75% of browsers are IE. Now, anyone can multiply those two percentages and come up with the relatively small number Apple is willing to ignore. WHAT! One fifth of the internet! Apple did not have to think about this decision. The decision was made for them the moment they picked up SproutCore, because SproutCore programs do not run under IE 6. Not even a little. The two example programs on the SproutCore homepage do not. SproutCore wants a more complete CSS implementation. Although it works around IE's Javascript DOM (see here), its box model just breaks down in IE 6.

Apple's decision to not support IE 6 in MobileMe is probably for the best. Everyone wants to see a move away from IE 6, including Microsoft, who has been pushing Internet Explorer 7. Although ignoring a fifth of the internet is difficult, that fifth of the internet may just decide to change browsers so that they can do more. After all, most web browsers are free. Legacy users go through a one-time process of switching and the internet is better for everyone. Internet Explorer 6 is now six years old. Isn't it time the web moved on?

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