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24 April 2008

iPhones are using a lot more data

A&T proves that iPhones use more data than blackberries, by a margin of about ten times. iPhone users use on average "'well over' 100 MB per month (compared to Blackberry around 10 MB)" (see this article. It just proves that the easier technology is made, the more people will use it and the more often it will be used. However, the main thing to look at here is not the higher volume of people, but the more time people are spending on the mobile internet. Mobile internet usage is no longer a chore, and when people start enjoying technology instead of waiting for things to load, squinting to try to read size eight antialiased text, and restarting after crashes (Safari has them too, unfortunately), technology starts to seem so much more personal and accessible. This then translates into more use, which AT&T has been seeing. However, their revenue per iPhone user has been about double that of a normal mobile phone user, due to the data plan involved.

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